
Apache Kafka for Java/Scala Developers

Part of our "Data Sciences & ML" courses

2 days

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Course Overview

This Kafka Introduction course prepares Developers and Architects in applying Kafka to their integrations and micro-services.

Course Prerequisites

Students should be familiar with Java or Scala. Familiarity with traditional messaging systems (ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, …) is helpful, through not required.



  • Introduction to Event Streaming

  • Discuss use cases for Kafka

  • Introduce Apache Kafka

  • Introduce Event Sourcing

  • Understand the concept of journaling

  • Understand Kafka's Architecture

  • Push vs Pull architectures

  • Introduce main concepts (event, producers, partitions, topics, brokers ,logs )

  • Compare Kafka to MQ/JMS (traditional Message Oriented Middleware)

  • Discuss alternatives

  • Overview of the different APIs in Kafka

Installing & Running Kafka Cluster

  • Planning hardware for kafka
  • Explore the installation directory
  • Understand the current role of Apache Zookeeper
  • Configure kafka brokers
  • Define producer/consumer quotas
  • Discuss best practices in cluster size
  • Partitions and brokers
  • Building a kafka cluster

Producing Messages

  • Producing messages using the Producer API
  • Configure producers (latency, throughput, timeouts)
  • Appreciate the batching of messages
  • Configure acknowledgments
  • Use message compression
  • Build resilient producers
  • Idempotent messages and exactly-once delivery semantics
  • Using ProducerInterceptor

Messages (Partitioning, Serialization, …)

  • Recap message structure
  • Using message headers
  • List available Serializers/Deserializers (e.g., Protobuf)
  • Defining extensible schemas using Apache Avro
  • Planning schemas for change
  • Using Schema Registries with Avro
  • Building Custom Serializers/Deserializers
  • Using different Partitioning strategies (e.g., key-based, round-robin, …)
  • Building a custom Partitioner
  • Introduction to Kafka Connect

Consuming Messages

  • Producing messages using the Consumer API
  • Determine the off-set to control the Consumer Position
  • Partition-based scaling using consumer groups
  • Configuring PartitionAssignor strategies
  • Introduce Static membership
  • Understand semantic guarantees (At most/least/exactly once)
  • Managing the offset (e.g., committing)
  • Partition ownership and rebalancing
  • Using ConsumerRebalanceListener

Basic Stream Processing

  • Introduce Kafka Streams
  • Introduce the Streams API
  • Stream architecture (topology, source and sink processors)
  • Understand key concepts streams and tables
  • Time and windowing
  • Discuss different ****use-cases and patterns

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This Apache Kafka for Java/Scala Developers course looks very interesting, I do however have a question