Our Courses

At edc4it you can find courses in web/mobile development, Scala, Kubernetes, Java & Spring, Devops and more.


Core Kubernetes

Core Kubernetes Masterclass

Kubernetes Admin

Kubernetes Administration & Configuration

k8s Non Tech

Cloud native computing: MSA, Containers and Kubernetes for Non Technicals

Cats & Cats Effect 3.x

Scala Cats and Cats-Effect 3.x

Core Scala 3

Core Scala 3 Masterclass


Ansible Masterclass

Docker/Podman For K8S

Docker/OCI Container for Kubernetes


Docker/Podman/OCI Container Masterclass

Core Go

Core Go (Golang)


Using Istio Service Mesh on k8s

React Native

Core React Native

Scala 3 Upgrade

Scala 3 Upgrade Course

JavaScript Core

Introduction to Modern JavaScript/ECMAScript

JavaScript Advanced

Advanced JavaScript for Front-end Developers

Scala FS2 and HTTP4S

Scala FS2 and HTTP4S

Core React

React Masterclass

Core Java

Core Java Application Development


Angular Masterclass

Kafka Core

Apache Kafka for Java/Scala Developers

ML Python

Python Machine Learning

Core Spring 6

Spring 6 Immersion

DevOps Fundamentals

Fundamentals of DevOps

k8s Primer

Containers and Kubernetes Primer

Scala Testing

Scala Testing, Mocking and Property based testing

Core Rust

Hands-On Introduction to Programming in Rust

Pekko/Akka (Classic)

Classic Pekko/Akka (Actors, Http, Persistence, Remoting and Streams )

Core Scala 2

Core Scala 2.x Masterclass


Core HTML5 and CSS3 to build Responsive Modern Web Applications


Introduction to TypeScript

Android Advanced

Android Advanced

Android Development

Android Development

Android Fundamentals

Android Fundamentals

Android Security

Android Security: Android Internals


Object Oriented Programming in C++

C++ Testing

Testing C++

Hadoop Admin

Hadoop Admin Training Course


Hadoop for Developers

Java Design

Java Design Principles

Java TDD

Test-driven Development in Java

Java JPA

Java Persistent API (JPA)

Linux Fundamentals

Linux Fundamentals

Linux Shell Scripting

Linux Shell Scripting


Using MyBatis 3.x for Java Persistence

PostgreSQL DBA

PostgreSQL Administration (DBA)

PostgreSQL Dev

PostgreSQL for Developers (writing effective & efficient SQL queries)


Python for beginners

Scala Test, DB and AKKA

Scala Technology stack: Testing, Persistence and Akka

Introduction to Scala.js

Introduction to Scala.js

Spring Batch

Introduction to Spring Batch

OWASP Top 10 2021

Web Security OWASP 2021 for Developers


Git for Developers


Building MSA Solutions using Apache Camel K

Docker Primer

Introduction to Docker


SBT Crash Course

Cats & Cats Effect 2.x

Scala Cats and Cats-Effect 2.x

