Course Overview
This is a fast-paced course to get you started building web applications using React. It assumes no prior knowledge of React.
After this course you will be able to build Single Page Web Applications using React:
- Building Reusable components
- Working with state
- Adding routing to your applications
- Adding form processing to your applications
- Use and build hooks
- Use patterns such as higher-order-components and render-props
Use state management solutions (Redux, Context)
Best Practices
After a few introductory labs,you will be working on non-trivial recipe application with all sorts of real-project problems (and their solutions)
Course Prerequisites
Students for this course will be familiar with JavaScript and have a strong understanding of HTML/CSS. Ideally people are familiar with ES6 (arrow functions, import/export, classes, fetch API). It is also helpful if students are familiar with a more "Functional" way of developing JavaScript. We recommend to follow our Introduction to Modern JavaScript and Advanced JavaScript for Front-end Developers coures before.
- Understand the rationale behind React
- Define the scope of the React library
- Understand the overall architecture of React
- Discuss how react follows Declarative programming and how it uses concepts from Functional Programming
- Contrast with other popular frameworks and libraries (e.g., Vue, Angular)
- Introduce react basic concepts: Elements, Components, JSX, Props, State
- Understand the virtual dom and how reacts performs reconciliation
- Discuss toolchains and in particular Create React App
- Recap of important ES6 features
Elements, JSX and Components
JSX and Elements
- Understand the JSX expression syntax
- Understand what it transpiles/compiles into
- Embed javascript expressions inside your JSX
- Perform conditional rendering (using different techniques)
- How to create dynamic css class lists (and discuss libraries which may help with this)
- Working with lists
Understand the need for a key when using lists
Components (Basics)
Although class-based components are no longer the primary choice for building React applications in most modern projects, we include them in this course to provide a thorough understanding of React's underlying principles and lifecycle methods. This foundational knowledge is crucial for grasping how React operates. After covering class-based components, we will transition to using functional components and explore the powerful features of hooks.
- Define ES6 class components
- Define functional components
- How to work with props
- Understand what components transpile to
- Discuss composing a User Interface into components
- Understand and use the children prop
- Add type information of a component's props using PropTypes
State and Life-cycle
- Understand the difference between props and state
- How to initialise state (using different techniques)
- Changing/merging state using setState
- Understand the relation between
- How to update existing state
- Using props when changing the state
- Understand batching
- Discuss react dataflow from state to props
- How to transfer props to children
- Understand the React Life-cycle
- What triggers state transitions (between mounted, update and unmounted)
- Details discussion of the different callback handlers (e.g., componentDidMount, getDerivedStateFromProps etc...)
- Briefly discuss the deprecated callback handlers
- Discuss common pitfalls and gotchas using these methods.
- How to deal with state based on side effects (e.g., fetching data)
- How to deal with state based on props pure
- How to deal with state based on props side effects
- How and where to use a REST API (using ES6 Fetch and Axios)
- Introduce React Hooks
- Understand how Hooks impact application design
- Towards only functional components
- List which features you can *hook into**
- Introduce and use the useState hook
- Introduce and use the useContext hook
- Introduce and use the useEffect hook
- Discuss other hooks (useRef, useCallback etc.)
- Using hooks with redux
- Introduce and use useSelector and useDispatch
- Discuss different routing libraries
- Introduce and use react-router (including different routers)
- How to define routes using
- List the various matching techniques
- Using Path parameters
- Defining nested routes
- Using exclusive routing without switch
- Use the different rendering techniques (element and children)
- Detailed discussion on the different rendered properties (useParams, useLocation, useNavigate)
- Use declarative navigation (
, etc.) - Using custom Location objects
- Passing state with the
property in navigation - Imperative navigation using the useNavigate hook
- Understand controlled and uncontrolled components
- Create and manage controlled components
- How to use the various form elements in React (input, select, etc.)
- Adding validation
- How to handle form submit
- Introduction to React Hook Form
- Discuss techniques to make code more DRY
Higher Order Components
- Introduce Higher Order Components (HoCs)
- Building and using HoCs
- Best practices when defining HOCs
- Composing multiple HoCs
Render props
- Introduce the render-prop pattern
- When to use render-props components (RPC)
- Using and defining render-props components (RPC)
- Best practices when defining HOCs
- How to avoid callback-hell
State Management
- Discuss different techniques for application state management
Flux & Redux
- Introduction to Flux
- Understand the one-way data flow
- Ways of implementing Flux
- Understand the architecture of Redux
- Defining stores
- Understand the concept of Reducers
- How to organise reducers
- Use action creators
- How to dispatch actions
- Understand and use redux middleware
- How to deal with asynchronous actions (e.g., when using a Rest API)
- Asynchronous actions with Redux Thunk
- Using Redux Saga to manage the asynchronous lif-cycle
- Best practices in structuring your Redux application
React Context
- Understand the architecture of React Context
- Discuss use-cases for using Context
- Defining contexts
- Creating Providers and Consumers
- Discuss gotchas when using contexts
Other statement management solutions
- Introduce zustand
- Using zustand in your react applications
- Overview of Recoil
- Discuss others: Jotai, MobX
React platforms (overview, time-allowing)
- Introduction and overview of React Native
- Overview of Server-Site-Rendering (SSR) (using Next.js)
- Using react as a Static-Site-Generator (SSG) (using Gatsby and GraphQL)